Example Files

Task nextflow.config

This nextflow.config file is copied to the task directory by the command:

#mkdir ./my_task_dir
#cd ./my_task_dir
nextflow run RenneLab/CnR-flow --mode initiate

This configuration file contains paramaters for input file and task workflow setup.

…/my_task_dir/nextflow.config (Task Settings)
//Daniel Stribling
//Renne Lab, University of Florida
//CnR-flow Configuration File
// Config syntax:
// This config file uses the syntax described here:
//   https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html
// Primarily, "//" acts as a comment and allows removal/deactivation of lines.
// Settings within scopes, Ex:
//   params {
//     setting = value
//     ...
//   }
// are equivalent to:
//   params.setting = value"
// Configuration Hierarchy:
//   Different Nextflow configuration files have the precedence order:
//     task-dir  >  pipe-dir  >  user-default  >  pipe-default
//   This configruation is (presumably) in the task directory:
//   (after running "nextflow CnR-flow --mode initiate" )
//   and will therefore superceed pipe-setup, user, and pipe hardcoded defaults.
//   For more detail visit: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html
//   This configuration only includes task-specific parameters and parameters 
//   designed to be modified at runtime. Other parameters are provided in the 
//   pipe configuration, at CnR-flow/nextflow.config. Parameters
//   provided here will override system defaults.

// Process Settings (For use of PBS, SLURM, etc)
process {
    // --Executor, see: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/executor.html 
    //executor = 'slurm'  // for running processes using SLURM (Default: 'local')
    // Process Walltime, See https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#process-time
    //time = '12h'
    // Process CPUs, See https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#cpus
    //cpus = 8
    // Memory: See https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#process-memory
    // Set Memory for specific task sizes (1n/2n/4n scheme recommended)
    //withLabel: big_mem   { memory = '16 GB' }
    //withLabel: norm_mem  { memory = '4 GB'  }
    //withLabel: small_mem { memory = '2 GB'  }
    // -*OR*- Set Memory for all processes
    //memory = "16 GB"

    ext.ph = null //Placeholder to prevent errors.

params {
    // REQUIRED values to enter (all others should work as default):
    // ref_fasta               (or some other ref-mode/location)
    // treat_fastqs            (input paired-end fastq[.gz] file paths)
    //   [OR fastq_groups]     (mutli-group input paired-end .fastq[.gz] file paths)
    // Automatic alignment reference preparation/usage settings:
    ref_mode       = 'fasta'  // Options: ['name', 'fasta', 'manual']
    ref_fasta      = ''       // REQUIRED: Ex: '/path/to/my/reference.fasta[.gz]'
    // Default Pre-Supplied Normalization library is Ecoli:
    norm_ref_fasta = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz"

    // CnR-flow Input Files:
    //   Provided fastqs must be in glob pattern matching pairs.
    //     Example: ['./relpath/to/base*R{1,2}*.fastq']
    //     Example: ['/abs/path/to/other*R{1,2}*.fastq']

    treat_fastqs   = []    // REQUIRED, Single-group Treatment fastq Pattern
    ctrl_fastqs    = []    //           Single-group Control   fastq pattern
    // Can specify multiple treat/control groups as Groovy mapping.
    //   Specified INSTEAD of treat_fasts/ctrl_fastqs parameters.
    //   Note: There should be only one control sample per group 
    //     (after optional lane combination)
    // Example:
    // fastq_groups = [
    //   'group_1_name': ['treat': 'relpath/to/treat1*R{1,2}*',
    //                    'ctrl':  'relpath/to/ctrl1*R{1,2}*'
    //                   ],
    //   'group_2_name': ['treat': ['relpath/to/g2_treat1*R{1,2}*',
    //                              '/abs/path/to/g2_treat2*R{1,2}*'
    //                             ],
    //                    'ctrl':  'relpath/to/g2_ctrl1*R{1,2}*'
    //                   ]
    // ]
    //fastq_groups = []    

    // ------- Step-Specific Pipeline Paramaters --------
    // Step Settings:
    do_merge_lanes = true  // Merge sample names differing only by lane-ID (Ex: L001, L002)
    do_fastqc      = true  // Perform FastQC Analysis
    do_trim        = true  // Trim tags using Trimmomatic
    do_norm_spike  = true  // Normalize using aligment count to a spike-in reference
    do_norm_cpm    = false // Normalize using millions of reads per sample
    do_make_bigwig = true  // Create UCSC bigWig files from final alignments

    // FastQC Settings:
    fastqc_flags   = ''
    // Alignment Mode Options (params.use_aln_modes) :
    //   "all"            : Use all reads
    //   "all_dedup"      : Use all reads, and remove duplicates.
    //   "less_120"       : Use trimmed reads <= 120 bp 
    //   "less_120_dedup" : Use trimmed reads <= 120 bp and remove duplicates.
    //   (Multiple modes can be performed in parallel. Ex: ['all', 'less_120'])

    use_aln_modes  = ["all"]  // Options: ["all", "all_dedup", "less_120", "less_120_dedup"]
    // Peak Caller Options (params.peak_callers):
    //   "macs2" : Call Peaks with Macs2
    //   "seacr" : Call Peaks with SEACR
    //   (Multiple callers can be used in parallel. Ex: ['macs2', 'seacr'])

    peak_callers   = ['macs', 'seacr']  // Options: ['macs', 'seacr']
    // Trimmomatic Trim Settings
    // --Trimmomatic Adapter Path, Downloaded after "nextflow CnR-flow --mode initiate"
    //trimmomatic_adapterpath = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/trimmomatic_adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa"
    trimmomatic_adapter_mode   = "ILLUMINACLIP:"
    trimmomatic_adapter_params = ":2:15:4:4:true"
    trimmomatic_settings    = "LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:25"
    trimmomatic_flags       = "-phred33"
    // Bowtie2 Alignment Settings
    aln_ref_flags  = "--local --very-sensitive-local --phred33 -I 10 -X 700 --dovetail --no-unal --no-mixed --no-discordant"
    // Normalization Settings
    aln_norm_flags = params.aln_ref_flags
    norm_scale     = 1000  // Arbitrary value for scaling of normalized counts.
    norm_mode      = 'adj' // Options: ['adj', 'all']
    // CPM Normalization Settings
    norm_cpm_scale = 1000 // Arbitrary value for scaling of normalized counts.

    // Macs2 Settings
    macs_qval      = '0.01'
    macs_flags     = ''   
    // SEACR Settings
    seacr_fdr_threshhold = "0.01"
    seacr_norm_mode      = "auto" // Options: "auto", "norm", "non"
    seacr_call_stringent = true
    seacr_call_relaxed   = true
    // ------- General Pipeline Output Paramaters --------
    publish_files    = 'default' // Options: ["minimal", "default", "all"]
    publish_mode     = 'copy'    // Options: ["symlink", "copy"]

    // Name trim guide: ( regex-based )
    //    ~/groovy-slashy-string/  ;  "~" denotes groovy pattern type.
    //    ~/^/ matches beginning   ;   ~/$/ matches end    
    trim_name_prefix = ''        // Example: ~/^myprefix./ removes "myprefix." prefix.
    trim_name_suffix = ''        // Example: ~/_mysuffix$/ removes "_mysuffix" suffix.   

    // Workflow Output Default Naming Scheme:
    //   Absolute paths for output:
    out_dir          = "${launchDir}/cnr_output"
    refs_dir         = "${launchDir}/cnr_references"

Pipe nextflow.config

This nextflow.config file is contains configuration paramaters for pipeline setup.

…/CnR-flow/nextflow.config (Pipe Settings)
//Daniel Stribling
//Renne Lab, University of Florida
//CnR-flow Configuration File
// Config syntax:
// This config file uses the syntax described here:
//   https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html
// Primarily, "//" acts as a comment and allows removal/deactivation of lines.
// Settings within scopes, Ex:
//   params {
//     setting = value
//     ...
//   }
// are equivalent to:
//   params.setting = value"
// Configuration Hierarchy:
//   Different Nextflow configuration files have the precedence order:
//     task-dir  >  pipe-dir  >  user-default  >  pipe-default
//   (presumably) This configruation is in the CnR-flow/nextflow.config, 
//   and will therefore superceed user and pipe defaults, 
//   but be overridden by the task-specific configuration file 
//   in the case of conflicting settings.
//   For more detail visit: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html
//   Users wishing to modify dependency configuration should specifically 
//   direct attention to the conda/module section. 
//   Other default parameters are provided below. 

// Pipeline Details
manifest {
    author = 'Daniel Stribling, Rolf Renne'
    defaultBranch = 'master'
    description = """\
    CUT&RUN-Flow, A Nextflow pipeline for QC, tag trimming, normalization, and peak
    calling for paired-end sequence data from CUT&RUN experiments.
    homePage = 'http://www.RenneLab.com'
    mainScript = 'CnR-flow.nf'
    name = 'CUT&RUN-Flow'
    nextflowVersion = '>=20.10.6'
    version = '0.11-dev'

// Process Settings (For use of PBS, SLURM, etc)
process {
    // --Executor, see: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/executor.html 
    //executor = 'slurm'  // for running processes using SLURM (Default: 'local')
    // Process Walltime, See https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#process-time
    //time = '12h'
    // Process CPUs, See https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#cpus
    //cpus = 8
    // Memory: See https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#process-memory
    // Set Memory for specific task sizes (1n/2n/4n scheme recommended)
    //withLabel: big_mem   { memory = '16 GB' }
    //withLabel: norm_mem  { memory = '4 GB'  }
    //withLabel: small_mem { memory = '2 GB'  }
    // -*OR*- Set Memory for all processes
    //memory = "16 GB"

    ext.ph = null //Placeholder to prevent errors.

// ------- Dependency Configuration --------
// Standard configuration is setup using conda.
// Docker / Singularity execution is preferred where available.
// Environment Modules also supported.
// Where defined, dependencies are used in order [dep]_container > [dep]_module > [dep]_conda
profiles {
    standard {
        // Dependency Configuration Using Anaconda
        params.facount_conda          = 'bioconda::ucsc-facount=366'
        params.bowtie2_conda          = 'bioconda::bowtie2=2.4.4 conda-forge::libgcc-ng=9.3'
        params.fastqc_conda           = 'bioconda::fastqc=0.11.9'
        params.trimmomatic_conda      = 'bioconda::trimmomatic=0.39'
        params.bedtools_conda         = 'bioconda::bedtools=2.29.2'
        params.macs2_conda            = 'bioconda::macs2=2.2.6'
        params.seacr_conda            = "r=3.6.0 bioconda::seacr=1.3 ${params.bedtools_conda}"
        params.samtools_conda         = 'bioconda::samtools=1.9'
        params.bedgraphtobigwig_conda = 'conda-forge::libpng conda-forge::libuuid conda-forge::mysql-connector-c conda-forge::openssl conda-forge::zlib bioconda::ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig=377'

        params.trimmomatic_adapterpath = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/trimmomatic_adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa"

    singularity {
        // Dependency Configuration Using Containers with Singularity:
        singularity.enabled = true
        params.facount_container           = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/ucsc-facount:366--h5eb252a_0"
        params.bowtie2_container           = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/bowtie2:2.4.4--py38he5f0661_1"
        params.bowtie2_samtools_container  = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/mulled-v2-c742dccc9d8fabfcff2af0d8d6799dbc711366cf:b6524911af823c7c52518f6c886b86916d062940-0"
        // Mulled: bowtie2=2.4.4,samtools=1.13
        params.fastqc_container            = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/fastqc:0.11.9--hdfd78af_1"
        params.trimmomatic_container       = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/trimmomatic:0.39--1"
        params.macs2_container             = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/macs2:2.2.6--py37h516909a_0"
        params.seacr_container             = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/seacr:1.3--hdfd78af_2"
        params.samtools_container          = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.13--h8c37831_0"
        params.bedgraphtobigwig_container  = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig:377--h0b8a92a_2"
        params.samtools_bedtools_container = "docker://quay.io/biocontainers/mulled-v2-fc325951871d402a00bdf9d0e712a5b81b8e0cb3:38034b9703d6561a40bcaf2f1ec16f8b158fde97-0" 
        // Mulled: samtools=1.14.0,bedtools=2.30.0,ucsc-facount=377,python=3.8
        params.samtools_facount_container  = "${params.samtools_bedtools_container}"
        params.bedtools_container          = "${params.samtools_bedtools_container}"

        params.trimmomatic_adapterpath     = "/usr/local/share/trimmomatic/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa"      

    docker {
        // Dependency Configuration Using Containers with Docker:
        docker.enabled = true
        docker.runOptions = "-v ${launchDir}:${launchDir}"
        //docker.runOptions = "-v ${params.refs_dir}:${params.refs_dir}"
        params.facount_container           = "quay.io/biocontainers/ucsc-facount:366--h5eb252a_0"
        params.bowtie2_container           = "quay.io/biocontainers/bowtie2:2.4.4--py38he5f0661_1"
        params.bowtie2_samtools_container  = "quay.io/biocontainers/mulled-v2-c742dccc9d8fabfcff2af0d8d6799dbc711366cf:b6524911af823c7c52518f6c886b86916d062940-0"
        // Mulled: bowtie2=2.4.4,samtools=1.13
        params.fastqc_container            = "quay.io/biocontainers/fastqc:0.11.9--hdfd78af_1"
        params.trimmomatic_container       = "quay.io/biocontainers/trimmomatic:0.39--1"
        params.macs2_container             = "quay.io/biocontainers/macs2:2.2.6--py37h516909a_0"
        params.seacr_container             = "quay.io/biocontainers/seacr:1.3--hdfd78af_2"
        params.samtools_container          = "quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.13--h8c37831_0"
        params.bedgraphtobigwig_container  = "quay.io/biocontainers/ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig:377--h0b8a92a_2"
        params.samtools_bedtools_container = "quay.io/biocontainers/mulled-v2-fc325951871d402a00bdf9d0e712a5b81b8e0cb3:38034b9703d6561a40bcaf2f1ec16f8b158fde97-0"
        // Mulled: samtools=1.14.0,bedtools=2.30.0,ucsc-facount=377,python=3.8
        params.samtools_facount_container  = "${params.samtools_bedtools_container}"
        params.bedtools_container          = "${params.samtools_bedtools_container}"

        params.trimmomatic_adapterpath     = "/usr/local/share/trimmomatic/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa"      

    module {
        // Dependency Configuration Using Environment Modules
        //   (values will vary depending on system)
        params.facount_module          = ""  // Ex: "ucsc/20200320"
        params.bowtie2_module          = ""  // Ex: "bowtie2/"
        params.fastqc_module           = ""  // Ex: "fastqc/0.11.7"
        params.trimmomatic_module      = ""  // Ex: "trimmomatic/0.39"
        params.bedtools_module         = ""  // Ex: "bedtools/2.29.2"
        params.macs2_module            = ""  // Ex: "macs/"
        params.seacr_module            = ""  // Ex: "R/4.0 seacr/1.3 ${params.bedtools_module}"
        params.bedgraphtobigwig_module = ""  // Ex: "ucsc/20200320"

        params.trimmomatic_adapterpath = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/trimmomatic_adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa"

params {
    // System Call Settings
    //   Call executed on the system, defaults assume that each tool is available
    //     on the system PATH
    //   Can replace with direct path as desired:
    //   Ex:
    //        samtools_call = "samtools"
    //     or samtools_call = "/path/to/samtools/dir/samtools" 
    java_call             = "java"
    bowtie2_build_call    = "bowtie2-build"
    facount_call          = "faCount"
    samtools_call         = "samtools"
    fastqc_call           = "fastqc"
    trimmomatic_call      = "trimmomatic"
    bowtie2_call          = "bowtie2"
    bedtools_call         = "bedtools"
    macs2_call            = "macs2"
    bedgraphtobigwig_call = "bedGraphToBigWig"
    seacr_call            = "SEACR_1.3.sh"
    seacr_R_script        = "SEACR_1.3.R"

    // ------- Step-Specific Pipeline Paramaters --------
    // Step Settings:
    do_merge_lanes = true  // Merge sample names differing only by lane-ID (Ex: L001, L002)
    do_fastqc      = true  // Perform FastQC Analysis
    do_trim        = true  // Trim tags using Trimmomatic
    do_norm_spike  = true  // Normalize using aligment count to a spike-in reference
    do_norm_cpm    = false // Normalize using millions of reads per sample
    do_make_bigwig = true  // Create UCSC bigWig files from final alignments

    // FastQC Settings:
    fastqc_flags   = ''
    // Alignment Mode Options (params.use_aln_modes) :
    //   "all"            : Use all reads
    //   "all_dedup"      : Use all reads, and remove duplicates.
    //   "less_120"       : Use trimmed reads <= 120 bp 
    //   "less_120_dedup" : Use trimmed reads <= 120 bp and remove duplicates.
    //   (Multiple modes can be performed in parallel. Ex: ['all', 'less_120'])

    use_aln_modes  = ["all"]  // Options: ["all", "all_dedup", "less_120", "less_120_dedup"]
    // Peak Caller Options (params.peak_callers):
    //   "macs2" : Call Peaks with Macs2
    //   "seacr" : Call Peaks with SEACR
    //   (Multiple callers can be used in parallel. Ex: ['macs2', 'seacr'])

    peak_callers   = ['macs', 'seacr']  // Options: ['macs', 'seacr']
    // Trimmomatic Trim Settings
    // --Trimmomatic Adapter Path, Downloaded after "nextflow CnR-flow --mode initiate"
    //trimmomatic_adapterpath = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/trimmomatic_adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa"
    trimmomatic_adapter_mode   = "ILLUMINACLIP:"
    trimmomatic_adapter_params = ":2:15:4:4:true"
    trimmomatic_settings    = "LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:25"
    trimmomatic_flags       = "-phred33"
    // Bowtie2 Alignment Settings
    aln_ref_flags  = "--local --very-sensitive-local --phred33 -I 10 -X 700 --dovetail --no-unal --no-mixed --no-discordant"
    // Normalization Settings
    aln_norm_flags = params.aln_ref_flags
    norm_scale     = 1000  // Arbitrary value for scaling of normalized counts.
    norm_mode      = 'adj' // Options: ['adj', 'all']
    // CPM Normalization Settings
    norm_cpm_scale = 1000 // Arbitrary value for scaling of normalized counts.

    // Macs2 Settings
    macs_qval      = '0.01'
    macs_flags     = ''   
    // SEACR Settings
    seacr_fdr_threshhold = "0.01"
    seacr_norm_mode      = "auto" // Options: "auto", "norm", "non"
    seacr_call_stringent = true
    seacr_call_relaxed   = true
    // ------- General Pipeline Output Paramaters --------
    publish_files    = 'default' // Options: ["minimal", "default", "all"]
    publish_mode     = 'copy'    // Options: ["symlink", "copy"]

    // Name trim guide: ( regex-based )
    //    ~/groovy-slashy-string/  ;  "~" denotes groovy pattern type.
    //    ~/^/ matches beginning   ;   ~/$/ matches end    
    trim_name_prefix = ''        // Example: ~/^myprefix./ removes "myprefix." prefix.
    trim_name_suffix = ''        // Example: ~/_mysuffix$/ removes "_mysuffix" suffix.   

    // Workflow Output Default Naming Scheme:
    //   Absolute paths for output:
    out_dir          = "${launchDir}/cnr_output"
    refs_dir         = "${launchDir}/cnr_references"
    //   Subdirectory Settigns:
    log_dir          = 'logs'
    merge_fastqs_dir = 'S0_B_merged_reads'
    fastqc_pre_dir   = 'S0_C_FastQC_pre'
    trim_dir         = 'S1_A_fastq_trimomatic'
    fastqc_post_dir  = 'S1_C_FastQC_post'
    aln_dir_ref      = 'S2_A_aln_ref'
    aln_dir_mod      = 'S2_B_aln_mod'
    aln_dir_bdg      = 'S2_C_aln_bdg'
    aln_dir_spike    = 'S3_A_aln_spikein'
    aln_dir_norm     = 'S3_B_aln_norm'
    aln_dir_norm_cpm = 'S3_X_aln_normCPM'
    aln_bigwig_dir   = 'S4_A_aln_bigWig'
    peaks_dir_macs   = 'S5_A_peaks_macs'
    peaks_dir_seacr  = 'S5_B_peaks_seacr'
    prep_bt2db_suf   = 'bt2_db'


// Locations to store conda and/or singularity environments for reuse.
conda.cacheDir       = "${projectDir}/envs_conda/"    
singularity.cacheDir = "${projectDir}/envs_singularity/"    
singularity.enabled  = false

// ------- Individual Task Settings, Included for Completeness --------

    //params {
    // REQUIRED values to enter (all others should work as default):
    // ref_fasta               (or some other ref-mode/location)
    // treat_fastqs            (input paired-end fastq[.gz] file paths)
    //   [OR fastq_groups]     (mutli-group input paired-end .fastq[.gz] file paths)
    // Automatic alignment reference preparation/usage settings:
    //ref_mode       = 'fasta'  // Options: ['name', 'fasta', 'manual']
    //ref_fasta      = ''       // REQUIRED: Ex: '/path/to/my/reference.fasta[.gz]'
    // Default Pre-Supplied Normalization library is Ecoli:
    //norm_ref_fasta = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz"

    // CnR-flow Input Files:
    //   Provided fastqs must be in glob pattern matching pairs.
    //     Example: ['./relpath/to/base*R{1,2}*.fastq']
    //     Example: ['/abs/path/to/other*R{1,2}*.fastq']

    //treat_fastqs   = []    // REQUIRED, Single-group Treatment fastq Pattern
    //ctrl_fastqs    = []    //           Single-group Control   fastq pattern
    // Can specify multiple treat/control groups as Groovy mapping.
    //   Specified INSTEAD of treat_fasts/ctrl_fastqs parameters.
    //   Note: There should be only one control sample per group 
    //     (after optional lane combination)
    // Example:
    // fastq_groups = [
    //   'group_1_name': ['treat': 'relpath/to/treat1*R{1,2}*',
    //                    'ctrl':  'relpath/to/ctrl1*R{1,2}*'
    //                   ],
    //   'group_2_name': ['treat': ['relpath/to/g2_treat1*R{1,2}*',
    //                              '/abs/path/to/g2_treat2*R{1,2}*'
    //                             ],
    //                    'ctrl':  'relpath/to/g2_ctrl1*R{1,2}*'
    //                   ]
    // ]
    //fastq_groups = []    

Task nextflow.config (no comments)

This nextflow.config file is equivalent to Task nextflow.config, but with comments removed.

…/my_task_dir/nextflow.config.nodoc (Task Settings, Without Comments)
process {
    //executor = 'slurm'  // for running processes using SLURM (Default: 'local')
    //time = '12h'
    //cpus = 8
    //withLabel: big_mem   { memory = '16 GB' }
    //withLabel: norm_mem  { memory = '4 GB'  }
    //withLabel: small_mem { memory = '2 GB'  }
    //memory = "16 GB"
    ext.ph = null //Placeholder to prevent errors.
params {
    ref_mode       = 'fasta'  // Options: ['name', 'fasta', 'manual']
    ref_fasta      = ''       // REQUIRED: Ex: '/path/to/my/reference.fasta[.gz]'
    norm_ref_fasta = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz"
    treat_fastqs   = []    // REQUIRED, Single-group Treatment fastq Pattern
    ctrl_fastqs    = []    //           Single-group Control   fastq pattern
    //fastq_groups = []    
    do_merge_lanes = true  // Merge sample names differing only by lane-ID (Ex: L001, L002)
    do_fastqc      = true  // Perform FastQC Analysis
    do_trim        = true  // Trim tags using Trimmomatic
    do_norm_spike  = true  // Normalize using aligment count to a spike-in reference
    do_norm_cpm    = false // Normalize using millions of reads per sample
    do_make_bigwig = true  // Create UCSC bigWig files from final alignments
    fastqc_flags   = ''
    use_aln_modes  = ["all"]  // Options: ["all", "all_dedup", "less_120", "less_120_dedup"]
    peak_callers   = ['macs', 'seacr']  // Options: ['macs', 'seacr']
    //trimmomatic_adapterpath = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/trimmomatic_adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa"
    trimmomatic_adapter_mode   = "ILLUMINACLIP:"
    trimmomatic_adapter_params = ":2:15:4:4:true"
    trimmomatic_settings    = "LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:25"
    trimmomatic_flags       = "-phred33"
    aln_ref_flags  = "--local --very-sensitive-local --phred33 -I 10 -X 700 --dovetail --no-unal --no-mixed --no-discordant"
    aln_norm_flags = params.aln_ref_flags
    norm_scale     = 1000  // Arbitrary value for scaling of normalized counts.
    norm_mode      = 'adj' // Options: ['adj', 'all']
    norm_cpm_scale = 1000 // Arbitrary value for scaling of normalized counts.
    macs_qval      = '0.01'
    macs_flags     = ''   
    seacr_fdr_threshhold = "0.01"
    seacr_norm_mode      = "auto" // Options: "auto", "norm", "non"
    seacr_call_stringent = true
    seacr_call_relaxed   = true
    publish_files    = 'default' // Options: ["minimal", "default", "all"]
    publish_mode     = 'copy'    // Options: ["symlink", "copy"]
    trim_name_prefix = ''        // Example: ~/^myprefix./ removes "myprefix." prefix.
    trim_name_suffix = ''        // Example: ~/_mysuffix$/ removes "_mysuffix" suffix.   
    out_dir          = "${launchDir}/cnr_output"
    refs_dir         = "${launchDir}/cnr_references"

Task nextflow.config (minimal)

This nextflow.config file is equivalent to the task and executor settings only from Task nextflow.config, with comments removed.

…/my_task_dir/nextflow.config.minimal (Task Settings, Minimal Without Comments)
process {
    //executor = 'slurm'  // for running processes using SLURM (Default: 'local')
    //time = '12h'
    //cpus = 8
    //withLabel: big_mem   { memory = '16 GB' }
    //withLabel: norm_mem  { memory = '4 GB'  }
    //withLabel: small_mem { memory = '2 GB'  }
    //memory = "16 GB"
    ext.ph = null //Placeholder to prevent errors.
params {
    ref_mode       = 'fasta'  // Options: ['name', 'fasta', 'manual']
    ref_fasta      = ''       // REQUIRED: Ex: '/path/to/my/reference.fasta[.gz]'
    norm_ref_fasta = "${projectDir}/ref_dbs/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz"
    treat_fastqs   = []    // REQUIRED, Single-group Treatment fastq Pattern
    ctrl_fastqs    = []    //           Single-group Control   fastq pattern
    //fastq_groups = []    