
Renne Lab

Principal Investigator: Rolf Renne
Henry E. Innes Professor of Cancer Research
University of Florida
UF Health Cancer Center
UF Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
UF Genetics Institute

Lead Developer


Changed verbose task logging to implementation with “beforeScript”
Complete Initial Documentation
Moved macs2 peak-calling out of alpha testing
“Reordered” output step directories
Tuned resource usage defaults
Added process memory usage categories
Move UCSC/Kent tools to external dependency setup
Added bigWig track format creation step
Overhauled alignment modification step
Removed Picard dependency
Changed (non-track) alignment output files to CRAM (compressed BAM)
Added one-step database preparation
Implemented ‘list_refs’ mode
Implemented automatic reference paramater finding
Shifted paramaters to config files
Implemented initiate mode
Added minimal documentation
Added Kent’s-Util (faCount) automated installation
Added automated acquisition of Trimmomatic adapters
Implemented MACS2 peak calling
Added autodetection of tag sequence length
Initial Github Upload